A 401(k) account is a professional advisory managed account and is the starting point for retirement planning. A 401(k) account is activated when you gain full-time employment and opt for it, and a portion of your paycheck is then directly invested in it. Your...
Named after the section of the US Internal Revenue Code under which this retirement planning account is defined, 401(k) accounts are company-sponsored, tax-advantaged, and defined contribution plans where you can contribute pre-tax dollars. As an employee, one may...
When it comes to long term investing, there are various aspects that can be hard for investors to track, such as the impact of market volatility, associated risks, taxes on returns, etc. A financial advisor can help you understand the financial implications of long...
When it comes to investing, saving for a better future, or managing your wealth, deciding on whether you should seek the guidance of a financial planner or a wealth manager is critical to be able to best define your financial goals. It is therefore important to get a...
A critical part of retirement planning is to find the right answer to the question – “How much money do I need for a comfortable retirement?” The response differs from person-to-person, and is influenced by current lifestyle and income. According to experts, working...