Dash Investments (DI) does not disclose/sell/market nonpublic personal information about its clients to third parties except as described below.
- DI collects information about its clients (eg, address, social security number, assets, and income) from oral discussions, from documents that its clients may deliver to DI, and in the course of providing advisory services.
- DI may use this information to open an account for its clients or otherwise in furtherance of conducting business. In order to service a client’s account and effect their transactions.
- DI may provide clients’ personal information to firms (such as the Custodian) that assist DI in servicing partner accounts and thus require such information.
- DI does not otherwise provide nonpublic personal information about clients to outside firms, organizations, or individuals except to DI’s attorneys, accountants, and auditors and as permitted by law.
- DI maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to guard your personal information.
- DI will furnish a copy of its most current Schedule upon request.